Summer holiday 2007

After Öland will be more expensive from this year on we are looking for an alternitive to spend a week together during the summer holidays.

The suggestion is to travel to Czech Republic to rent a hut for a week. Also camping beside the house should be possible. In the forum are more suggestions.

A concrete idea is Villa Maria. That house is located inthe „Riesengebirge“ apprximatly 91 miles north east to Prag. If we will be 10 people it'll cost 115 € per person excluding food. The thing that this hut is just free for the 30thz, 34th or the 35th week.

Please sign up untill the 9th of February 2007 (sure, why should we discuss that in two years?) if you are intrested and the time to join us. This voting is without obligation for you, its just to check how much interest is there and whith week it should be. Before booking we will contact every single person.

Just make a hook an send. Your desision can be edited later. Therefor just do the same action again under your name.

To get to the voting click here.

en/all_intern/2007/tschechien.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/01/19 20:05 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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