Clogging is a traditional American tap dance. It is developed throughout various European dances such as Irish Jig, English Tap Dance as well as German and Dutch folk dances. At the early 80’s modern Clogging came from America to Europe, where it spreads out since then.
In Clogging there are other steps than normally known in tap dance. And the irons under the shoes, called ‘Taps’, are double irons which produce a special sound.
Traditionally it will be danced to Blue Grass and Country & Western music, but nowadays the repertoire reaches over Rock, Pop and Techno and back to Irish Volk (greetings from River Dance!).
Mostly Clogging will be danced in groups but without a fixed partner (Line Dances). But there are also Partner Dances (Duets) and even formations.
Clogging is a vivid dance which offers much to the dancer as well as the spectator.
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